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David Jost

I grow design maturity in companies and products,
uniting developers and designers.

Design for Brands & Companies

Aligning Backstage's UI landscape

Spotify's dev portal which unites all dev workflows behind a single pane of glass.

Backstage grew organically into a landscape of divergent design implementations and outdated work methodologies. I audited the UI landscape, built the foundations for Backstage's internal design system, led the design consolidation effort and contributed to the future vision.

REWE Design System

Horizontal design solution for a complex architecture of vertical microservices.

The technical architecture of REWE's online services is tailored to meet the teams requirements of autonomy and fault isolation. I initiated, built and released the solution that centralizes the UI layer across the architecture.

REWE Theme Editor

Empowering designers to own design decisions, liberating developers from CSS nudging.

The microservice architecture in place resulted in wasteful inefficiencies for design work. I planned, concepted and built a no-code tool for designers to speed up UI styling changes.

REWE UI vision

Imagining the what-if's for a UI layer bogged down by legacy dependencies.

Striking a balance between a design refresh and meeting the user expectations, while future proofing the work approach. I slimmed the UI down for fast dev cycles, re-built the components with accessibility compliance and set constraints for style usage.

HRS Hotel sourcing for businesses

B2B software that enables businesses to manage rates and contracts with thousands of hotels

HRS offers hotel sourcing for global enterprises like Siemens or China Mobile with 10k+ travelling employees. I designed the sourcing interface and built the component collection for the design system.

Codepen Explorations
Shared thoughts